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Post by Python Sun May 31, 2020 9:50 pm

Tribe Information
There are ten tribes in Wings of Fire, with seven of those tribes living on the Pyrriah continent, while three live on Pantala. Here is basic information on all of them and their unique quirks.

Tribe Information 600?cb=20200528142118
RainWings are known as the lazy rainforest dragons, who can change their scale colours to camouflage. They are a race of dragons who do not keep track of their young, with the young being raised with the other dragonets without knowledge of their parents, unless they are a part of the royal family. If they are a part of the royal family, the dragonets are born in the royal hatchery.
Important Details

  • RainWings often have pet sloths.
  • RainWings are vegetarian.
  • RainWings can find out who is related to who using their venom. If the venom burns faster, they are not related, however, if the venom stops burning, then they are.
  • RainWings often do not have control of their camouflaging scales, as they will change colours according to their mood.
  • RainWings can change their eye colours.
  • RainWings need to sleep every day at midday in the sun to make their scales change colour properly.
  • RainWings have prehensile tails, meaning they can hang from branches with them.
  • RainWings do not own scrolls, nor read.
  • RainWings can knock other dragons out using a blowgun and darts made from a frog that 'You don't want to lick'
  • RainWings names are often fruit, colours or animals that live in the rainforest.
  • RainWings are Python's favourite dragon breed.
  • According to the author of WOF, RainWings have an accent that sounds like Australian Accents.
  • To find out more about RainWings, go here.

Tribe Information 633?cb=20190703193003
NightWings are known as the mysterious night dragons, who have powers over the mind and future. They are known to stay out of fights and wars, however, are willing to mess with prophecies and ideals for the future to help them towards goals. They currently live in the forest with the RainWings.
Important Details

  • NightWings are a mysterious species of dragon that has special powers depending on when they are born.
  • They currently live in the Rainforest with the RainWings.
  • When the NightWing has a silver tear-drop scale on the edge of their eye, this shows they have a special power.
  • NightWings are omnivorous, however, they prefer meat.
  • NightWings enjoy their scrolls and reading.
  • They look like the night sky has come down on you when they attack.
  • NightWings take lifelong partners.
  • NightWings have strong familial bonds.
  • NightWings are named for their abilities, for example, 'Gatekeeper', would be a guard.
  • NightWing names are compound names.
  • NightWings are Demon_Wolves666 favourite dragon species.
  • To find out more about NightWings, go here.

Tribe Information 600?cb=20170522180607
MudWings are the strong, thick scaled and muscular that live in the marshes near SeaWing kingdoms. MudWings often are very strong, and are known as the largest tribe of the Pyrriah continent, as they have no rivals. MudWings are known to love their food.
Important Details

  • Might Be the Largest Tribe on Pyrriah
  • MudWings do not have parental figures. MudWings eggs are hatched in small pockets of warm mud and rocks, where the mother will only check on them every few days or so. The mother often is not there for the hatching.
  • MudWings live in sibling groups, called 'Sibs'. The oldest MudWing in the group is called the BigWing, and they will help the younger dragons out of their eggs. Since MudWings do not keep parental figures, the BigWing will become very protective and parental to their siblings.
  • If a MudWing has no blood related family, they are called 'Unsibs'. UnSibs will often try and join a sibling group, or work with other UnSibs.
  • MudWings tend to not pair for life.
  • MudWing siblings are so loyal that a MudWing Queen has never been challenged by one of her sisters.
  • The queen is known as the 'BigWings' of the tribe.
  • MudWings are known as dumb, however, this is not true.
  • MudWing names are often related to the earth, mud or earthly plants.
  • MudWings are McLoun515's favourite dragon.
  • You can find out more about MudWings here.

Tribe Information 600?cb=20170522175553
SeaWings are underwater dwelling dragons, who can breathe on both land and sea. They communicate through light up scales down their face, neck and body. SeaWings are some of the smaller dragons, however, their tails are extremely strong, able to be used as weapons.
Important Details

  • SeaWings can be driven insane if they are kept away from water.
  • SeaWings are some of the few dragons who do not have any attacks that originate from their mouth.
  • The SeaWing royal family is known for being loyal and hot-headed.
  • The SeaWing Royal family are known for their animus abilities.
  • SeaWings are named after water themed objects and animals.
  • SeaWings are very parental and take care of their hatchlings from birth.
  • SeaWings also take mates for life.
  • You can find more about SeaWings here.

Tribe Information 600?cb=20160920064353
SkyWings are the most like traditional dragons, with their large wings, red-orange colourings and their fire breathing. They live very high up in the mountains, and are also known for their bad tempers. SkyWings are the only dragon tribe that makes their prisoners fight to the death in an arena. Their scales are very hard, known as 'jewel hard'.
Important Details

  • SkyWings have very powerful lungs.
  • SkyWings are known for their bad temper, however, this may be because of the arena fights.
  • SkyWings are some of the strongest dragons, with very good combat skills.
  • SkyWings value excitement, so the arena is a extremely visited area.
  • SkyWings do practice weddings, however, most of these are arranged.
  • SkyWings are very parental, with mothers caring a lot for their dragonets. The dragonets are born in the Wingery.
  • SkyWings are named after sky and mountain themed objects and animals.
  • You can find out more about SkyWings here.

Tribe Information 600?cb=20170522181909
SandWings are large, desert dwelling dragons who have a barbed tail with poison, quite like a scorpion. SandWing's poison is slow moving, so the cure can be found before the dragon dies, however, the dragon will die if left untreated. The cure for their poison is a specific type of cactus that grows in the desert.
Important Details

  • SandWings are often pale yellows, creams and other colours. They always have black eyes.
  • SandWings can live without water for a couple weeks.
  • SandWings radiate heat.
  • SandWings have very good hearing and smell.
  • SandWings name themselves after their habitat and weather.
  • SandWings are very parental and mate for life.
  • To find out more about SandWings, go here.

Tribe Information 600?cb=20200528143517
IceWings are a pale, ice dragon with large spines down their backs. They live in the north-west portion of the continent, where it is extremely cold. Their colours range from silver, to pale blue, to pale purples and greys.
Important Details

  • IceWings can withstand sub zero tempretures.
  • IceWing's claws are sharp and strong, able to grip on ice, and are very useful in attacking other dragons.
  • IceWings emit a chill aura when around them.
  • Instead of fire, IceWings breathe ice. If ice is breathed down another dragon's throat, the dragon will slowly freeze from the inside out, a very painful death. There is no cure for this.
  • IceWings cannot breathe ice when they are warm. They are also very uncomfortable when warm.
  • SkyWings with firescales are immune to frostbreath.
  • Their social hierarchy is like 1800s Russian empire combined with spartan.
  • IceWing tribe is divided into circles, where the first circle is the best, while the seventh circle is the worst.
  • Dragonets are raised by their families, however, are taken away shortly afterwards because of the circles.
  • Whatever a dragonet is good at when they hit their seventh birthday is what circle they will be in for the rest of their lives. Older dragons can lose or gain circles still.
  • IceWings are very proud dragons, and have a strict code of etiquette.
  • IceWing names are chosen by the highest rank in the family, and must be accepted by the queen. The names are anything to do with cold, like pale gemstones, weather, animals, objects or seasons.
  • To find out more about IceWings, go here.

Tribe Information 600?cb=20180623080016
HiveWings are the main tribe of Pantala, where they have taken over most of the SilkWings, and use them as second class citizens while HiveWings live in luxury. HiveWings are very powerful, and have different areas where they can sting other dragons with poison. Their poisons depend on what the area is.
Important Details
  • They are descended from BeetleWings.
  • HiveWings are red, yellow or orange, with different black patches on their scales.
  • HiveWings are first class citizens in the hive.
  • If a HiveWing wants a divorce, they must speak with the queen.
  • HiveWings are named after a variety of insects.
  • To find out more about HiveWings, go here.

Tribe Information 600?cb=20180623080022
The once thought extinct plant-like dragons, LeafWings are one of the more mysterious dragons of Pantala. LeafWings are very good gardeners, and some are rumoured to actually speak to plants.
Important Details

Tribe Information 600?cb=20180601122354
SilkWings are the elegant, beautiful, second class citizens in the hive. They have beautifully coloured wings, and can produce silk. SilkWings are descended from BeetleWings.
Important Details
  • SilkWings can have the ability FlameSilks, where their silk is on fire. In the hive, this is used to make torches and lights for the walkways.
  • SilkWing's colours are often based off real life butterflies.
  • SilkWings do not get their wings until they are six years old, which is when they undergo a metamorphosis. They also gain their silks at this age.
  • SilkWings are often named after butterflies and moths.
  • To find out more about SilkWings, go here.


Posts : 18
Join date : 2020-05-30
Age : 1024
Location : Somewhere Down Under

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