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Post by Python Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:43 pm

Information: MudWings 600?cb=20170522180607

MudWings are the strong, mud loving, muscular dragons that live in the east of the continent. They are quite large dragons, with large horns and general brown colouring. They can easily blend into their environment and use their horns for digging through the mud. MudWings are known as kind and loyal, however, they can also be very gruff and short-tempered.

MudWings are the largest of the Pyrriah tribes, with their territory being mostly grasslands, marshes and swamps. Their queens are chosen by combat, quite like all dragon tribes, however, MudWing queens have never been challenged by their sisters, as they are so loyal to each other. The queen MudWing is known as the 'BigWings' of the tribe, as the tribe sees her as their big sister.

MudWings do not have parental figures, however, there has been exceptions to this, including mothers taking care of single eggs and fathers taking in their children and treating them like his younger siblings. MudWing parents are often not at the hatching of their eggs, however, as the eggs are hatched in small pockets of mud and rock.

MudWings live in sibling groups, called 'Sibs'. The oldest MudWing in the group is called the BigWing, and they will help the younger dragons out of their eggs. Since MudWings do not keep parental figures, the BigWing will become very protective and parental to their siblings. If a MudWing has no blood related family, they are called 'Unsibs'. UnSibs will often try and join a sibling group, or work with other UnSibs.

MudWings tend to not pair for life, however, some do, as recently MudWings have not had to worry about fighting. MudWings name their children after earth, mud or plants, and they are often natural names, however, names like 'Adam' and 'Alira' will be allowed.

You can find out more about MudWings here.

Posts : 18
Join date : 2020-05-30
Age : 1024
Location : Somewhere Down Under

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